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Analytic Number Theory - 1a

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Tranh thủ viết một bài trước khi diễn đàn off :)

Topic này sẽ trình bày về lý thuyết số theo quan điểm về giải tích. Nội dung sẽ dựa trên cuốn Introduction to Analytic Number Theory - Tom M. Apostol. Có thể thảo luận bằng tiếng Anh hay tiếng Việt.

(Anh leoteo ới, em viết mấy bài vỡ lòng, anh đừng cười nhé :D)

(To be updated)

(To be updated)

0. Introduction



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0. Introduction:
(To be updated)

What is Analytic Number Theory (ANT) ?
- Number Theory is concerned with the properties of Z and N, e.g. "Every positive integer is the sum of four squares".
- Some results are best tackled by using analysis, these problems often involve approximations, e.g. "roughly" how many prime numbers are there below x (Prime Number Theorem).
- But sometimes there is no obvious reason why real or complex analysis comes to the stage.


Examples of elegant results that are stated in a discrete / algebraic manner but can be proved using analytic methods:
Every positive integer can be written as a sum of 4 sqaures, or 9 cubes, or 19 4th powers, etc. [proved 1986, answering a problem of Waring, 1770]
The sequence of promes contains arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions (e.g. 7, 37, 67, 97, 127, 157 has length 6) [proved 2004]
The ring {a + b \sqrt{14}} is a Euclidean Domain [proved 2004]
Every number beyond 10^1347 is a sum of 3 primes (Goldbach, in 1742, asked if every odd number at least 7 is a sum of 3 primes --> lots of numerical checking are left)


Many hallmarks of "elementary" analytic number theory are concerned with arithmetic functions (to be defined later) and prime numbers.


A first big question that we shall address is about how fast \pi(x) grows with x, where \pi(x) := # {p \leq x : p is prime}.

Euclid's Theorem: There are infinitely many primes.
Proof: elementary.

Some numerical calculation:
\pi (10^8) = 5,761,455
\pi (10^12) = 37,607,912,018
\pi (10^16) = 279,238,341,033,925

With these 10th powers:
\pi(x) / x = 0.057... , 0.037... , 0.027... (seems to decrease, but how fast ?)
1 / log(x) = 0.054..., 0.036... , 0.027...

Question: is it true that \pi(x) / x ~ log(x) , that is, \pi(x) ~ x / log(x) ?

Prime Number Theorem [Hadamard, de la Vallee Poussin, 1896]:
\pi(x) ~ x / log(x) as x --> \inf (infinity)

(Definition: f(x) ~ g(x) with g(x)>0, iff(def) f(x)/g(x) --> 1 as x --> \inf)


Tables show that the detailed distribution of primes is very erratic. Lots of pairs of primes differ by 2.

Open Problem: Are there infinitely many "Prime Twins" p, p+2 (i.e. p and p+2 are both primes) ?

There are also large gaps between the primes:
e.g. N! + 2 , N! + 3, ... , N! + N are all composite numbers for N > 1.

Open Problem (stated in a vague way): Roughly how large is the largest gap between consecutive primes p \leq N ?



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It is very interesting. Keep going Madness ! I have a nice surprise with some of the results you posted. Are you working on number theory ? If possible, could you post some examples that we have solutions from both algebraic and analytic point of views ? I would be delighted to hear your comments in these situations.



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Dear Toanhoc,

Warm thanks and hello to you. I'm completely new to the subject, so I'm afraid that I cannot answer your question at the moment. Maybe some hidden experts will kindly show up to make the discussion more interesting ! I'll definitely continue with this topic, but please kindly excuse my absence in the next two days due to some traveling plans :cap

Best !



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1. Basic Arithmetic: Easy --> Skip.

2. Arithmetical Functions and Dirichlet Multiplication:

Definition: An arithmetical function is a function from N (the set of positive integers) to C (the set of complex numbers).
An arithmetical function f is said to be multiplicative if f(xy)=f(x)f(y) whenever gcd(x,y)=1. If furthermore, f(xy)=f(x)f(y) for all x,y, then f is said to be completely multiplicative.

Definition: The Dirichlet product of two arithmetical functions f and g is an arithmetical function h defined by the following formula (f*g)(n):= :pi_{d} f(d)g(n/d), where :D_{d} denotes the summation running over all the divisors d of n.

Motivation: we want to investigate the properties of primes and their compositions, which are, the composites. Each special arithmetic function assigns a complex number as an ìidentity / characteristic” to a positive integers.

Some important arithmetical functions:
- Mobius function: :mu (n) (p24)
(vanishes when n is not square-free, and equals to the number of prime divisors of n when n is square-free)
- Euler totient function: :D (n) (p25)
(equals to the number of divisors of n)
- Mangoldt function: :pi (n) (p32)
(this function comes from the investigation of the Riemann zeta function)
- Liouville’s function: :D (n) (p37)
- Divisor function: :D (n) (p38)

Main Theme (Main Theorem):
Let \M be the set of all multiplicative arithmetical functions f such that f(1) is nonzero. Then \M, equipped with the Dirichlet product, forms an Abelian group.
(That is, the Dirichlet product satisfies commutativity, associativity, and the inverse of the arithmetical function f :Rightarrow \M exists and is multiplicative.)

P/s: có ai biết
- cái summation làm thế nào để chỉ có subscript hay chỉ có superscript thôi ?
- hàm :mu (n) đánh tex thế nào ko ?
%$!#%!#% Cái dd mới chậm với nhiều lỗi quá !@#$%$!%

Bài viết đã được chỉnh sửa nội dung bởi madness: 02-01-2007 - 10:16



    Thành viên Diễn đàn Toán.

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Lẽ ra nên post ở phần Hướng dẫn gõ công thức Toán nhưng mà cái này ở đó nhiều rồi nên tớ để tạm ở đây, bao giờ madness đọc xong rồi thì xóa đi nhé.

Muốn công thức Toán luôn hiển thị đúng thì phải thế này: Bước thứ nhất: Thay các dấu : bằng dấu \, Bước thứ hai: Bôi đen công thức đó và bao vào thẻ TeX, hiện giờ tạm thời chưa có thì cậu đánh tay vào thẻ TeX giống như là thẻ B để tô đen vậy.

Còn cái subscript thì \sum \limit _{n=1}

kết quả là $\sum \limit _{n=1} $




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Mình ủng hộ topic này bằng 1 cuốn sách, hy vọng không làm loãng topic :)

Analytic Number Theory (Graduate Texts in Mathematics)

by Donald J. Newman

File gửi kèm




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Mình ủng hộ topic này bằng 1 cuốn sách, hy vọng không làm loãng topic (*)

Analytic Number Theory (Graduate Texts in Mathematics)

by Donald J. Newman

Cám ơn NangLuong và QUANVU đã ủng hộ topic. Tiếc là tự nhiên gặp mấy cái dấu cong cong (dấu tích phân), mà lười gõ quá nên đành khất lại một thời gian vậy. :)



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chài ơi mấy cái khái niệm này hspt nó cũng học cả. Tấn công vào phần nào sâu hơn đi, có thể chẳng cần mới cũng được.



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Đang đọc một chút về chương trình Langland hình học, theo một cái khóa học seminar hàng tuần tại khoa toán. Có muốn cùng nhau học không? KK sẽ post dần dần tài liệu lên cho mọi nguời vui vẻ. Hi vọng học sinh ptth khoong học cái này đuợc.



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Đang đọc một chút về chương trình Langland hình học, theo một cái khóa học seminar hàng tuần tại khoa toán. Có muốn cùng nhau học không? KK sẽ post dần dần tài liệu lên cho mọi nguời vui vẻ. Hi vọng học sinh ptth khoong học cái này đuợc.

Nếu được vậy thì hay quá, anh KK cứ post lên đi. mad chưa đủ sức học cái này, nhưng cũng muốn nghe; và ở đây chắc là có nhiều người thảo luận về chương trình Langland hình học.



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Thực ra thì nói post thì quá đáng, vì cũng chưa hiểu được bao nhiêu. Tuy nhiên chương trình Langland hình học là một công phu khá là thú vị, nếu dành thời gian học chơi thì cũng tốt, sau này dùng được vào nhiều việc. Đang cố gắng đọc một ít.

Bọn Berkeley đang tổ chức seminar về cái trò này, học cũng hay. Cuốn sách down tại đây:

This weekly seminar is devoted to the local geometric Langlands Correspondence with a particular focus on the recent work of E. Frenkel and D. Gaitsgory. Lectures will be based on the material of Frenkel's book Langlands Correspondence for Loop Groups and paper Ramifications of the geometric Langlands Program .


The Langlands Program is quickly emerging as a blueprint for a Grand Unified Theory of Mathematics. Conceived initially as a bridge between Number Theory and Automorphic Representations, it has now expanded into such areas as Geometry and Quantum Field Theory, tying together seemingly unrelated disciplines into a web of tantalizing conjectures.

The Langlands Program seeks to establish a correspondence between objects of "Galois type" and objects of "automorphic type". One of the prevalent themes is the interplay between the local and global pictures. In the geometric context the objects on the Galois side of the correspondence are holomorphic vector bundles with connection on a complex Riemann surface in the global case, and on the punctured disc in the local case. The definition of the objects on the automorphic side of the geometric Langlands Correspondence is more subtle. It is relatively well understood in the special case when the connection has no singularities. However, in the more general case of connections with ramification, that is with singularities, the geometric Langlands Correspondence is much more mysterious, both in the local and in the global case. Actually, the impetus now shifts more to the local story, because the global correspondence is largely determined by what happens on the punctured discs around the ramification points, which is in the realm of the local correspondence. So the question really becomes: what is the geometric analogue of the local Langlands Correspondence?

A new approach to this problem has been recently developed by D. Gaitsgory and the author. To local Langlands parameters we associate representations of the formal loop group. However, in contrast to the classical theory, these representations are realized not on vector spaces, but in categories of representations of the corresponding Lie algebra, which is an affine Kac-Moody algebra.

Affine Kac-Moody algebras have a parameter, called the level. For a special value of this parameter, called the critical level, the completed enveloping algebra of an affine Kac-Moody algebra acquires an unusually large center. B. Feigin and the author have shown that this center is canonically isomorphic to the algebra of functions on the space of opers, which are bundles on the punctured disc with a flat connection and an additional datum. Remarkably, their structure group turns out to be the Langlands dual group, in agreement with the general Langlands philosophy. This is the central result which implies that the same salient features permeate both representation theory of p-adic groups and (categorical) representation theory of loop groups.

The goal of this book is to present a systematic and self-contained introduction to the local geometric Langlands Correspondence for loop groups and the related representation theory of affine Kac-Moody algebras. It is partially based on the graduate courses taught by the author at UC Berkeley in 2002 and 2004. In the book the entire theory is built from scratch, with all necessary concepts defined and the needed results proved along the way.

This is the first introductory account of the research done in this area in the last twenty years. It opens with a pedagogical overview of the classical Langlands correspondence and a motivated step-by-step passage to the geometric setting. This leads us to the study of affine Kac-Moody algebras and in particular the center of the completed enveloping algebra. Next, the book reviews the construction of a series of representations of affine Kac-Moody algebras, called Wakimoto modules. They were defined by B. Feigin and the author following the work of M. Wakimoto. These modules provide us with an effective tool for developing representation theory of affine algebras. In particular, they are crucial in the proof of the isomorphism between the spectrum of the center and opers.

A detailed exposition of the Wakimoto modules and the proof of this isomorphism constitute the main part of this book. These results allow us to establish a deep link between representation theory of affine Kac-Moody algebras of critical level and the geometry of opers. The closing chapter reviews the results and conjectures of D. Gaitsgory and the author describing the representation categories of loop groups associated to opers in the framework of the local Langlands Correspondence, as well as the implications of this for the global geometric Langlands Correspondence. These are only the first steps of a new theory, which will hopefully allow us to uncover the mysteries of the Langlands duality.

Bài viết đã được chỉnh sửa nội dung bởi Kakalotta: 07-02-2007 - 03:48




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Vừa mới học tập được một trò mọi của bọn khoa lý, sau khi sang take course bên lý thuyết trường lượng tử, đó là dùng máy ảnh chụp lại bài giảng để lưu giữ cho tiện, cung như tiết kiệm thời gian để đỡ phải mất công chép bài, đến lớp cứ vểnh râu ngồi chơi.
Đây là vở ghi môn Chương trình Langland của KK, vất lên đây cho mọi nguời xem chơi, đọc được hay không ráng chịu.



    I need the end to set me free, i was me but now he's gone

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Chữ xấu quá :D cái trò chụp ảnh lại bài giảng bên chỗ mình bọn nó toàn làm vậy. Chụp nguyên si mấy cái bảng rồi rung đùi ngồi phán chỗ này thiếu chỗ kia cần bổ sung. :forall , mình được cái suy nghĩ chậm nên phải chăm chỉ chép bài sạch sẽ cẩn thận. Nhân tiện hỏi KK có thể vẽ 1 con đường modulo detail từ geometric Langlands programm sang toán lý được không? Mình ko nắm rõ cái này, đi kể với mấy bạn làm vật lý lý thuyết sợ người ta ko tin nên tốt nhất là nhờ KK làm nhân chứng.

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