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Co anh chi em nao giup minh giai bai nay voi. No la bai tap 1.9 trong sach "Can you show that any two points in a connected open set can be connected by an arc, i.e., a path that is one-to-one, and whose tangent vector never vanishes".

Day la huong dan trong sach: if P is in the closure of the points one can connect to P_0 by such an arc, take a disk D around P in U, take an arc from P_0 to a point inside D, and look at the first time the arc hits the boundary of D with inward pointing tangent; splice on to this arc to get to any point inside D.

Cam on nhieu.



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  • 1668 Bài viết

Co anh chi em nao giup minh giai bai nay voi. No la bai tap 1.9 trong sach "Can you show that any two points in a connected open set can be connected by an arc, i.e., a path that is one-to-one, and whose tangent vector never vanishes".

Day la huong dan trong sach: if P is in the closure of the points one can connect to P_0 by such an arc, take a disk D around P in U, take an arc from P_0 to a point inside D, and look at the first time the arc hits the boundary of D with inward pointing tangent; splice on to this arc to get to any point inside D.

Cam on nhieu.

Chưa phải là AG , chỉ là Elementary topology thôi, tuy nhiên mình vẫn chưa hiểu định nghĩa arc của bạn là gì .

Sửa ngày $6/4$ : một arc là một đồng phôi $f : [0,1] \to f([0,1]) \subset X$ , một không gian gọi là arcwise-connected nếu hai điểm bất kì nối bằng 1 arc . Một định lý khá hay là Hausdorff và path-connected khi và chỉ khi arcwise-connected


Bài viết đã được chỉnh sửa nội dung bởi bangbang1412: 06-04-2017 - 19:41

$$[\Psi_f(\mathbb{1}_{X_{\eta}}) ] = \sum_{\varnothing \neq J} (-1)^{\left|J \right|-1} [\mathrm{M}_{X_{\sigma},c}^{\vee}(\widetilde{D}_J^{\circ} \times_k \mathbf{G}_{m,k}^{\left|J \right|-1})] \in K_0(\mathbf{SH}_{\mathfrak{M},ct}(X_{\sigma})).$$

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